Texas Appleseed is a public interest justice center. Texas Appleseed works to change unjust laws and policies that prevent Texans from realizing their full potential. For more information, visit texasappleseed.org.
The Texas Coalition on Coerced Debt (TCCD) is a coalition of Texas-based attorneys, advocates, policymakers, financial professionals, and law enforcement who are interested in promoting identity theft protections for survivors of family violence. The Coalition is jointly coordinated by Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Texas Appleseed, the Texas Council on Family Violence, and the Texas Legal Services Center, with expert support from Professor Angela Littwin of the University of Texas School of Law. Email texascoalitiononcoerceddebt@gmail.com for more information or to join the coalition.
Texas Appleseed and TCCD prepared this toolkit to help survivors of domestic violence struggling with coerced debts. The goal is to provide information on state and federal identity theft protections that can help victims of coerced debt. It is not intended as legal advice. If you need a lawyer and need help finding one, this toolkit offers information about free and low-cost legal services. The Texas Legal Services Center Crime Victims program offers resources and legal advice related crimes including domestic violence. You can also visit www.TexasLawHelp.org for legal help and information.
Texas Appleseed's work on this toolkit was supported by the Texas Women's Foundation and the Kozmetsky Family Foundation. TCCD was supported under award # 2016-XV-GX-K004, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice or any of the other funders.